CADability dotNET
Namespace for classes describing Actions. An Action is the concept of forwarding the mouse input to a certain class that handles it and provides user feedback.


Public classAction
Base class for all "Actions". An Action is an object, that receives various MouseInput events once it has been "Set" by a call to SetAction(Action). After performing the required tasks, the Action is removed from the ActionStack and the previous active action is resumed. The action on the bottom of the action stack is the SelectObjectsAction. Use the ConstructAction for typical drawing purposes, because it provides a convenient set of methods. If an action object is set by a call to SetAction(Action) the following sequence of calls to the new and the old action is executed:
Public classActionException
Exception Klasse für Ausnahmen bei der Aktionsverarbeitung. Die Eigenschaft Message von System.Exception ist mit einem sinnvollen Text gesetzt.
Public classActionFeedBack
A container for Feedback objects. These are objects that give visual feedback to the user while a Action is in progress. Currently you can add IGeoObjects or FeedBackPlanes that provide the feedback.
Public classConstrDefaults
All default values of the construct actions are static members of this class. So they can be stored from one construction to the other.
Public classConstrHatchInside
Public classConstructAction
Base class for construct actions.
Public classConstructAction..::..AngleInput
Public classConstructAction..::..BooleanInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a boolen value. The boolen value is selected from a combobox. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..CurveInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the user to click on a curve (IGeoObject that also implements ICurve. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..DefaultAngle
A DefaultAngle object is usually used in conjunction with a ConstructAction..::..AngleInput object (see DefaultAngle). It specifies a default value for the input field as long as the user didn't specify that input via keybord or mouse. When the angle input is locked, the value is saved in the corresponding DefaultAngle object. DefaultAngle objects are usually static in a ConstructAction to preserve that value from one instance of the action to the next instance.
Public classConstructAction..::..DefaultBoolean
A DefaultBoolean object is usually used in conjunction with a ConstructAction..::..BooleanInput object (see defaultBoolean()()()()). It specifies a default value for the input field as long as the user didn't specify that input via keybord or mouse. When the point input is locked, the value is saved in the corresponding DefaultBoolean object. DefaultBoolean objects are usually static in a ConstructAction to preserve that value from one instance of the action to the next instance.
Public classConstructAction..::..DefaultGeoPoint
A DefaultGeoPoint object is usually used in conjunction with a ConstructAction..::..GeoPointInput object (see DefaultGeoPoint). It specifies a default value for the input field as long as the user didn't specify that input via keybord or mouse. When the point input is locked, the value is saved in the corresponding DefaultGeoPoint object. DefaultGeoPoint objects are usually static in a ConstructAction to preserve that value from one instance of the action to the next instance.
Public classConstructAction..::..DefaultGeoVector
A DefaultGeoVector object is usually used in conjunction with a ConstructAction..::..GeoVectorInput object (see DefaultGeoVector). It specifies a default value for the input field as long as the user didn't specify that input via keybord or mouse. When the point input is locked, the value is saved in the corresponding DefaultGeoVector object. DefaultGeoVector objects are usually static in a ConstructAction to preserve that value from one instance of the action to the next instance.
Public classConstructAction..::..DefaultInteger
A DefaultInteger object is usually used in conjunction with a ConstructAction..::..MultipleChoiceInput object (see DefaultChoice). It specifies a default value for the input field as long as the user didn't specify that input via keybord or mouse. When the point input is locked, the value is saved in the corresponding DefaultInteger object. DefaultInteger objects are usually static in a ConstructAction to preserve that value from one instance of the action to the next instance.
Public classConstructAction..::..DefaultLength
A DefaultLength object is usually used in conjunction with a ConstructAction..::..LengthInput object (see DefaultLength). It specifies a default value for the input field as long as the user didn't specify that input via keybord or mouse. When the length input is locked, the value is saved in the corresponding DefaultLength object. DefaultLength objects are usually static in a ConstructAction to preserve that value from one instance of the action to the next instance.
Public classConstructAction..::..DoubleInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a double value. The value may be either entered on the keyboard or by moving the mouse. The calculation of a value from the mouse position is performed via a callback (event) method. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..EditInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the user to enter a string in a edit field and is connected to a Text object to provide wysiwyg editing. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..GeoObjectInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the user to click on a curve (IGeoObject that also implements ICurve. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..GeoPointInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a point. This point may be either entered on the keyboard or by moving the mouse. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..GeoVectorInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a vector. The vector may be either entered on the keyboard or by moving the mouse. The calculation of a vector from the mouse position depends on various settings. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..InputContainer
Public classConstructAction..::..InputObject
Common base class for onput objects for the ConstructAction (see SetInput(array<Object>[]()[][])
Public classConstructAction..::..IntInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the user to enter a integer value in a edit field. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..LengthInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a length or distance. The length may be either entered on the keyboard or by moving the mouse. The calculation of a length from the mouse position depends on various settings. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..MultipleChoiceInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a integer value. The integer value is entered in a editbox and/or with an up/down control. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..MultiPointInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the input of a list of GeoPoints. The user can define as many points as he or she wants. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..PlaneInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object expects the input of a plane. The value may be either entered on the keyboard or by moving the mouse. There is always a base plane which is by default the drawing plane. The mouse input is defines a plane which is parallel to the base plane and contains the mouse point (snapping is applied) Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructAction..::..SeparatorInput
Public classConstructAction..::..StringInput
Defines an input object for an action derived from ConstructAction. This input object extpects the user to enter a string in a edit field. Pressing enter or TAB or clicking the mouse proceeds to the next input object.
Public classConstructActionException
Exception thrown by ConstructAction.
Public classConstructAngleTwoPoints
Action that constructs an angle defined by two points. It uses a AngleProperty to communicate the constructed point to the outside.
Public classConstructDirectionOfCurve
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructDirectionOfSurface
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructDirectionTwoPoints
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructDistanceOfCurve
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructDistancePointCurve
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructDistanceTwoCurves
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructDistanceTwoPoints
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructIntersectPoint
Action that constructs a midpoint between two points. It uses a GeoPointProperty to communicate the constructed point to the outside.
Public classConstructMidPoint
Action that constructs a midpoint between two points. It uses a GeoPointProperty to communicate the constructed point to the outside.
Public classConstructObjectPoint
Action that constructs a midpoint between two points. It uses a GeoPointProperty to communicate the constructed point to the outside.
Public classConstructPlane
Public classConstructPlane..::..ConstructPlaneException
Public classConstructPlane2PointsDrawingPlane
Public classConstructPlane2PointsDrawingPlane..::..ConstructPlaneException
Public classConstructPlaneOriginNormalPoint
Public classConstructPlaneOriginNormalPoint..::..ConstructPlaneException
Public classConstructPolarPoint
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classConstructVectorPoint
Action that constructs a length as a distance between two points. It uses a LengthProperty to communicate the constructed length to the outside.
Public classCopyCircularObjects
Public classCopyMatrixObjects
Public classEditText
Aktion zum editieren von Text in der Zeichenfläche
Public classFeedBackPlane
A translucent section of a plane for the display during an interactive action. Use this object in a call to FeedBack.
Public classGeneralAngleAction
Public classGeneralGeoPointAction
Simple Action to modify a GeoPoint by moving the mouse. The modification will start imediately after the action is set and will terminate when the mouse button is released or enter or escape is pressed.
Public classGeneralGeoPointActionException
Public classGeneralGeoVectorAction
Simple Action to modify a GeoVector. This action doesn't set up an own ControlCenter entry but assumes there is a GeoVectorProperty entry active in the ControlCenter.
Public classGeneralLengthAction
Public classMeasure
Public classSelectObjectsAction
The Action used to select GeoObjects of a (visible) Model. Mouseclicks in the view are used to determine which objects should be selected. The user can select a rectangular area by dragging the mouse while the left button is pushed. Dragging from left to right selects all objects completely inside the rectangle, dragging from right to left selects all objects which are touched by the ractangle. The PickMode determins on which level the selection is performed, the FilterList adds additional filtering the the selection process.
Public classZoomAction


Public interfaceIFeedBack
Interface, which must be implemented by objects that act as eedback objects in Actions. See ActionFeedBack and FeedBack
Public interfaceIIntermediateConstruction
This interface is implemented by Actions that only temporary construct some input for other actions. It is used by those actions to stay active until the IIntermediateConstruction action terminates.


Public delegateConstructAction..::..ActionDoneDelegate
Delegate for ActionDoneEvent.
Public delegateConstructAction..::..AngleInput..::..CalculateAngleDelegate
delegate definition for a custom method for the calculation of an angle.
Public delegateConstructAction..::..AngleInput..::..GetAngleDelegate
delegate definition for GetAngleEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..AngleInput..::..SetAngleDelegate
Delegate definition for the SetAngleEvent.
Public delegateConstructAction..::..BooleanInput..::..GetBooleanDelegate
Delegate definition for GetBooleanEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..BooleanInput..::..SetBooleanDelegate
Delegate definition for SetBooleanEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..CurveInput..::..CurveSelectionChangedDelegate
Delegate definition for CurveSelectionChangedEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..CurveInput..::..MouseOverCurvesDelegate
Delegate definition for MouseOverCurvesEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..DoubleInput..::..CalculateDoubleDelegate
Delegate definition for CalculateDoubleEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..DoubleInput..::..GetDoubleDelegate
Delegate definition for GetDoubleEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..DoubleInput..::..SetDoubleDelegate
Delegate definition for SetDoubleEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoObjectInput..::..GeoObjectSelectionChangedDelegate
Delegate definition for [!:CurveSelectionChangedEvent]
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoObjectInput..::..MouseOverGeoObjectsDelegate
Delegate definition for [!:MouseOverCurvesEvent]
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoPointInput..::..GetGeoPointDelegate
Delegate definition for GetGeoPointEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoPointInput..::..SetGeoPointDelegate
Delegate definition for SetGeoPointEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoPointInput..::..SetGeoPointExDelegate
Delegate definition for SetGeoPointExEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoVectorInput..::..CalculateGeoVectorDelegate
Delegate definition for the CalculateGeoVectorEvent.
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoVectorInput..::..GetGeoVectorDelegate
Delegate definitionn for GetGeoVectorEvent.
Public delegateConstructAction..::..GeoVectorInput..::..SetGeoVectorDelegate
Delegate definition for SetGeoVectorEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..IntInput..::..CalculateIntDelegate
Delegate definition for the CalculateIntEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..IntInput..::..GetIntDelegate
Delegate definition for the GetIntEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..IntInput..::..SetIntDelegate
Delegate definition of the SetIntEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..LengthInput..::..CalculateLengthDelegate
Delegate definition for CalculateLengthEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..LengthInput..::..GetLengthDelegate
Delegate definition for GetLengthEvent.
Public delegateConstructAction..::..LengthInput..::..SetLengthDelegate
Delegate definition for SetLengthEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..MouseClickDelegate
Delegate for mouse clickt of the Input objects
Public delegateConstructAction..::..MultipleChoiceInput..::..GetChoiceDelegate
delegate definition for the GetChoiceEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..MultipleChoiceInput..::..SetChoiceDelegate
Delegate definition for SetChoiceEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..PlaneInput..::..GetPlaneDelegate
Delegate definition for GetPlaneEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..PlaneInput..::..SetPlaneDelegate
Delegate definition for SetPlaneEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..StringInput..::..GetStringDelegate
Delegate definition for the GetStringEvent
Public delegateConstructAction..::..StringInput..::..SetStringDelegate
Delegate definition for the SetStringEvent
Public delegateConstructPlane..::..PlaneChangedDelegate
Public delegateConstructPlane2PointsDrawingPlane..::..PlaneChangedDelegate
Public delegateConstructPlaneOriginNormalPoint..::..PlaneChangedDelegate
Public delegateFeedBackChangedDelegate
Delegate for the event indicating a change of an IFeedBack object.
Public delegateGeneralAngleAction..::..CalculateAngleDelegate
Public delegateGeneralGeoPointAction..::..ActionDoneDelegate
Public delegateGeneralGeoPointAction..::..SetGeoPointDelegate
Public delegateGeneralGeoVectorAction..::..SetGeoVectorDelegate
Type definition for SetGeoVectorEvent.
Public delegateSelectObjectsAction..::..ClickOnSelectedObjectDelegate
Method definition of the ClickOnSelectedObjectEvent
Public delegateSelectObjectsAction..::..FilterMouseMessagesDelegate
Method declaration for the FilterMouseMessagesEvent.
Public delegateSelectObjectsAction..::..SelectedObjectListChanged
Method definition for the SelectedObjectListChangedEvent.
