CADability dotNET
Base class for all "Actions". An Action is an object, that receives various MouseInput events once it has been "Set" by a call to SetAction(Action). After performing the required tasks, the Action is removed from the ActionStack and the previous active action is resumed. The action on the bottom of the action stack is the SelectObjectsAction. Use the ConstructAction for typical drawing purposes, because it provides a convenient set of methods. If an action object is set by a call to SetAction(Action) the following sequence of calls to the new and the old action is executed:

Namespace: CADability.Actions
Assembly: CADability (in CADability.dll) Version: 1.1.4254.24737 (1.1.*)


public abstract class Action : ICommandHandler
Visual Basic
Public MustInherit Class Action _
	Implements ICommandHandler
Visual C++
public ref class Action abstract : ICommandHandler

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also