CADability dotNET

Custom Actions

How to build your own Action derived objects

In order to provide the user with interactive facilities that are not contained in CADability, you will have to add your own "Action" class.

Any Action derived class can react on mouse input and modify the database.

How is the user (mouse) input directed to your Action class? Instanziate your class and call SetAction. After that, all mouse input is forwarded to that class until RemoveThisAction or RemoveActiveAction is called.

In rare cases you directly derive from Action, in most cases you will derive your class from ConstructAction, which gives you a higher level of abstraction. In the ConstructAction you define "Inputs" like ConstructAction..::..GeoPointInput. An input creates a ShowProperty object in the ControlCenter, where the user can type or define the requested value by different means, and it defines an entry in a list of required inputs that the user will have to specify successively.


Following there is a example of a ConstructAction derived class which is used internally for the construction of a line.
/// Code
using System;
using CADability.Actions;
using CADability.GeoObject;

namespace CADability.Actions
   /// <summary xmlns="">
   /// Construction of a line, specifying a poit, a length and a direction of the 
   /// line. All construct actions are internal, but the base class "ConstructAction"
   /// is public.
   /// </summary>
   public class ConstrLineLengthAngle : ConstructAction
      /// <summary xmlns="">
      /// This is the line. It will be manipulated during the construction and finally
      /// added to the model
      /// </summary>
      private Line line;

      /// <summary xmlns="">
      /// Constructuor, no need to do anything
      /// </summary>
      public ConstrLineLengthAngle()
      {   }

      /// <summary xmlns="">
      /// Overrides OnSetAction of ConstructAction. Here we create the new line
      /// and define the input for the construction
      /// </summary>
      public override void OnSetAction()
         // Create the line and set it some default properties, so that it will
         // appear on the screen. We set some default values so it
             will nicly appear on the screen
         line =  Line.Construct();
         line.StartPoint = ConstrDefaults.DefaultStartPoint;
         GeoPoint p = ConstrDefaults.DefaultStartPoint;
         p.x = p.x + ConstrDefaults.DefaultLineLength;
         line.EndPoint = p;

         // The line will be the active object during the construction. At the end
         // it will be added to the model.
         base.ActiveObject = line;
         // The title appears in the control center (it is the resource
             id in the StringTable)
         base.TitleId = "Constr.Line.PointLengthAngle";

         // The first input is a point, which defines the startpoint of the line
         // There is a default value for the startpoint (DefaultStartPoint) which
         // is updated at the end of the construction
         GeoPointInput startPointInput = new GeoPointInput("Line.StartPoint");
         startPointInput.DefaultGeoPoint = ConstrDefaults.DefaultStartPoint;
         // BasePoint is for ortho modus and direction input
         startPointInput.DefinesBasePoint = true; 
         // registering a handler to react on the point input
         startPointInput.SetGeoPointEvent += new ConstructAction.GeoPointInput.SetGeoPointDelegate(SetStartPoint);

         // the second input is a length.
         LengthInput len = new LengthInput("Line.Length");
         // the default length
         len.DefaultLength = ConstrDefaults.DefaultLineLength;
         // registering a handler for the change of the length
         len.SetLengthEvent += new ConstructAction.LengthInput.SetLengthDelegate(SetLength);
         // during length-input the mouseinput goes to startPointInput, if it isn´t fixed
         len.ForwardMouseInputTo = startPointInput;

         // the third input is the direction
         GeoVectorInput dir = new GeoVectorInput("Line.Direction");
         dir.DefaultGeoVector = ConstrDefaults.DefaultLineDirection;
         dir.SetGeoVectorEvent +=new CADability.Actions.ConstructAction.GeoVectorInput.SetGeoVectorDelegate(SetGeoVector);
         dir.IsAngle = true;
         // during angle-input the mouseinput goes to startPointInput, if it isn´t fixed
         dir.ForwardMouseInputTo = startPointInput;

         // tell the ConstructAction which inputs there are

         // the new line gets the default attributes and shows them in the control center
         base.ShowAttributes = true;

         // be sure to call the default implementation

      // called by the startPointInput when the user changes the startpoint
      // with the mouse, keyboard or a special construction (like midpoint)
      private void SetStartPoint(GeoPoint p)
         GeoVector v = new GeoVector(line.StartPoint,line.EndPoint);

      // called by the length input, when the user changes the length
      private bool SetLength(double length)
         if (length > Precision.eps)
            line.Length = length;
            return true;
         return false;         

      // called by the VectorInput, when the user changes the direction
      private bool SetGeoVector(GeoVector vector)
         if (Precision.IsNullVector(vector)) return false;
         line.EndPoint = line.StartPoint+line.Length*vector;
         return true;

      /// <summary xmlns="">
      /// Overrices OnRemoveAction of ConstructAction, when the action is removed.
      /// There is actually no need to override it
      /// </summary>
      public override void OnRemoveAction()

      /// <summary xmlns="">
      /// Overrides GetID of Action. Each action mus have an ID. It is usually the
      /// MenuID that starts the action. It must be different from any other action ID.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns xmlns=""></returns>
      public override string GetID()
         return "Constr.Line.PointLengthAngle";

      /// <summary xmlns="">
      /// Overrides OnDone of ConstructAction. the defaulStartPoint is updated with
      /// the value of the endpoint of the line (so the next line will start here.
      /// There is no need to update the other default values, this is done
      /// automatically. Make sure to call the bas implementation, because there
      /// the line will be added to the model.
      /// </summary>
      public override void OnDone()
         ConstrDefaults.DefaultStartPoint.Point = line.EndPoint; // wird auf den letzten Endpunkt gesetzt
