CADability dotNET

The Style type exposes the following members.


Public propertyColorDef
Public propertyDefaultFor
Public propertyDimensionStyle
Public propertyEntryType
Overrides EntryType, returns GroupTitle.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..EntryType.)
Public propertyHatchStyle
Public propertyLabelText
Implements LabelText.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelText.)
Public propertyLabelType
Overrides LabelType
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelType.)
Public propertyLayer
Public propertyLinePattern
Public propertyLineWidth
Public propertyName
The name of the Style. Different Styles in the same list must have different names.
Public propertyParent
The StyleList that contains this Style. May be null.
Public propertySubEntries
Overrides SubEntries, returns the subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntries.)
Public propertySubEntriesCount
Overrides SubEntriesCount, returns the number of subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntriesCount.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyINamedAttribute..::..Parent

See Also