CADability dotNET
Namespace for classes defining attributes for geometric objects lice styl, color, layer etc.


Public classAttributeException
ApplicationException class raised by various operations with attributes.
Public classAttributeListContainer
static Funktions to manage IAttributeListContainer and IAttributeList objects
Public classChangeEventArgs
Public classCheckedAttributes
Shows a list of Attributes as checkboxes.
Public classCheckedLayerList
A collapsable treeview entry for the ControlCenter that presents to the user all layers of the provided list with a checkbox next to each layer. The titel of the entry is specified by the provided resourceId.
Public classColorDef
Summary description for ColorDef.
Public classColorList
Eine Tabelle von benannten Farben. Die Tabelle ist serialisierbar und wird gewöhnlich in einem "Settings" Objekt gespeichert. Die Tabelle kann in der EigenschaftenAnzeige interaktiv manipuliert werden.
Public classDimensionStyle
Public classDimensionStyleList
The DimensionStyleList contains the list of available dimension styles (DimensionStyle). It is owned by the project or the global settings. It implements IShowProperty to make it available in the tree voew of the control center.
Public classFilter
This class filters IGeoObjects according to their attributes or other properties. A Project contains a FilterList which contains Filters. The task of a filter is to decide, whether a IGeoObject is accepted by this filter or not. The FilterList is used by the [!:SelectObjectsAction] to decide, whether an object may be selected or not. Filters may also be used for other purposes. In this standard implementation the attributes of a IGeoObject and the type of the object are used to accept or reject an object. You may derive a class from this Filter class and handle the static Constructor delegate by constructing your own filter. In your derived class you can use any criteria of a IGeoObject for filtering, e.g. the contents of UserData.
Public classFilterList
A FilterList is a list of Filters. The Project owns a FilterList which is used by the [!:CADAbility.Actions.SelectObjectsAction] to decide which IGeoObjects may be selected or must be rejected. You may add a handler to the PreFilterEvent event to do your own filtering or use the default filtering machanism (or both). The FilterList of the project is displayed in the ControlCenter and may be interactively manipulated.
Public classHatchStyle
Abstract base class for all hatchstyles. A hatchstyle is used to define the interior of a Hatch object.
Public classHatchStyleContour
An implementation of a HatchStyle, that defines a style consisting of contours inside the shape.
Public classHatchStyleLines
An implementation of a HatchStyle, that defines a style consisting of parallel lines.
Public classHatchStyleList
List of HatchStyle derived objects. Typically a Project or the Settings maintain such a list. The list is serializable and can be shown and modified in the ControlCenter. There can not be two hatchstyles with the same name.
Public classHatchStyleSolid
A HatchStyle which fills the shape with a solid color. May be used as a base class for different kinds of solid fillings.
Public classLayer
A Layer is an attribute to IGeoObject objects. With several layers you can group the GeoObjects in a Model. In a ModelView you can select which layers are visible. In a Filter you can select which layers are be pickable The property DisplayOrder affects the order of display or printing if the according feature is enabled in a ModelView or Layout. Layer implements the IShowProperty interface to present ist properties.
Public classLayerComparer
Public classLayerList
Eine Liste von Layern, immer alphabetisch nach Namen sortiert. Die Namen müssen eindeutig sein. Das Zufügen bzw. Umbenennen eines Layers, so dass Mehrdeutigkeiten entstehen würden, führt zu einer Exception.
Public classLayerSelectionProperty
Public classLinePattern
Public classLinePatternList
Public classLineWidth
Describes a line width. The "onedimensional" GeoObjects (e.g. Line, Ellipse, BSpline) have a line with as an attribute. The main propertie of the line width are the width and the scaling system (LineWidth..::..Scaling), which defines how to interpret the width.
Public classLineWidthList
Public classNamedAttributeComparer
Comparer to sort lists of INamedAttributes[!:Layerlist].
Public classStyle
A Style is a collection of several attributes like Layer, LineWidth that can be collectively set to an GeoObject.
Public classStyleList
Public classStyleSelectionProperty


Public interfaceIAttributeList
Interface implemented by lists of attributes, e.g. LayerList.
Public interfaceIAttributeListContainer
Interface implemented by Project and Settings. Helps to get all kind of attribute lists, e.g. ColorList, LayerList
Public interfaceIColorDef
Interface to handle the colors of IGeoObject objects
Public interfaceIHatchStyle
Public interfaceILayer
Interface supported by all objects that have a Layer proerty
Public interfaceILinePattern
Public interfaceILineWidth
Public interfaceINameChange
Interface used by named objects, like attributs (e.g. FilterList)
Public interfaceIStyle
Interface to be implemented by objects that have a (changable) Style property


Public delegateAttributeChangedDelegate
Public delegateAttributeChangeDelegate
Public delegateCheckedLayerList..::..CheckStateChangedDelegate
Delegate definition for the CheckStateChangedEvent, which is called when the user changes the checkbox next to a layer
Public delegateDimensionStyle..::..PropertyChangedDelegate
Public delegateFilter..::..ConstructionDelegate
Delegate definition for overridable constructor. Used only for custom filters.
Public delegateFilterList..::..PreFilterDelegate
Delegate definition for an FilterList event to allow pre-filtering of acceptance of IGeoObject objects.
Public delegateHatchStyleList..::..CreateHatchStyleListDelegate
Public delegateLayerList..::..LayerAddedDelegate
Public delegateLayerList..::..LayerRemovedDelegate
Public delegateLayerSelectionProperty..::..LayerChangedDelegate
Public delegateStyleSelectionProperty..::..StyleChangedDelegate


Public enumerationAttributeException..::..AttributeExceptionType
Type of exception
Public enumerationColorDef..::..ColorSource
Public enumerationColorList..::..StaticFlags
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..EAngleFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..EAngleText
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..EFontFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..EGeoFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..EPointFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..ERadiusFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..ESymbol
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..ESymbolFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..ESymbolPlacement
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..ETextFlag
Public enumerationDimensionStyle..::..ETypeFlag
Public enumerationHatchStyleContour..::..EHoleMode
How to proceed with holes in the area to be filled.
Public enumerationHatchStyleContour..::..ESpiralMode
Parallel or continous filling modes
Public enumerationLayerUsage
Public enumerationLinePattern..::..Scaling
Scaling system of the line pattern.
  • DevicePattern specifies the number of pixel, zoom independant
  • WorldPattern specifies the pattern of the line in the world coordinate system
  • LayoutPattern specifies the pattern of the line in the layout system (mm on the paper when printed)
Public enumerationLineWidth..::..Scaling
Scaling system of the line width.
  • DeviceWidth specifies the number of pixel, zoom independant
  • WorldWidth specifies the width of the line in the world coordinate system
  • LayoutWidth specifies the width of the line in the layout system (mm on the paper when printed)
Public enumerationStyle..::..EDefaultFor
Category of objects to provide different default styles