CADability dotNET

The LinePatternList type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCount
Gets the number of entities in this list.
Public propertyCurrent
Gets or sets the current LinePattern. The current LinePattern is used when a new GeoObject is constructed interactively.
Public propertyEntryType
Overrides EntryType, returns GroupTitle.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..EntryType.)
Public propertyItem
Returns the line pattern with the given index.
Public propertyLabelType
Overrides LabelType
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelType.)
Public propertySubEntries
Overrides SubEntries, returns the subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntries.)
Public propertySubEntriesCount
Overrides SubEntriesCount, returns the number of subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntriesCount.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also