CADability dotNET

The Layer type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDisplayOrder
Public propertyEntryType
Overrides EntryType, returns SimpleEntry.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..EntryType.)
Public propertyLabelText (Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelText.)
Public propertyLabelType
Overrides LabelType
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelType.)
Public propertyName
Public propertySubEntries
Overrides SubEntries, returns the subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntries.)
Public propertySubEntriesCount
Overrides SubEntriesCount, returns the number of subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntriesCount.)
Public propertyTransparency
Gets or sets the transparency of this layer: 0 is not transparent, 255 is totally transparent

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyINamedAttribute..::..Parent

See Also