CADability dotNET

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Public methodAlign(GeoPoint2D)
Public methodAlign(Plane, Boolean)
Aligns the DirectionX and DirectionY vectors of this plane so that the projection of DirectionX of AlignTo and DircetionX of this plane are parallel. If the two planes are parallel, the DirectionX and DirectionY of both planes will also be parallel. The plane will not be changed. The Location of this plane will be changed to a point closest to the location of AlignTo, if relocate is true, otherwise the location remains unchanged.
Public methodAlign(Plane, Boolean, Boolean)
Aligns the DirectionX and DirectionY vectors of this plane so that the projection of DirectionX of AlignTo and DircetionX of this plane are parallel. If the two planes are parallel, the DirectionX and DirectionY of both planes will also be parallel. The plane will not be changed. The Location of this plane will be changed to a point closest to the location of AlignTo, if relocate is true, otherwise the location remains unchanged. If flip is true there is an additional check whether the angle between the two normal vectors is less than 90°. If not, the y-axis is reversed and the angle between the two normal vectors will be less than 90°

See Also