CADability dotNET

The SimpleShape type exposes the following members.


Public methodClip
Clips the provided curve by this shape. Either the inner parts or the parts outside of this shape are returned.
Public methodClone
Returns a clone (deep copy) of this simple shape
Public methodContains
Tests whether the provided point is contained in this simple shape.
Public methodExpand
Expands this simple shape by the given amount. note that the result is a CompoundShape which is composed of multiple simple shapes.
Public methodGetExtent
Returns the extent of this shape, i.e. the size of the horizontally adjusted rectangle that encloses it.
Public methodGetModified
Returns a modified shape of this shape. This shape remains unchanged.
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodStatic memberGetPosition(CompoundShape, CompoundShape)
Checks the relative position of two shapes to each other. The order of the parameters is important for the result.
Public methodStatic memberGetPosition(SimpleShape, SimpleShape)
Checks the relative position of two shapes to each other. The order of the parameters is important for the result.
Public methodHitTest
Checks whether this shape and the provided rectangle overlap
Public methodHole
Gets the hole with the specified index. The original border is returned. Do not modify this or the simple shape might become invalid. If you need to modify it, make a clone first.
Public methodStatic memberIntersect
Returns the intersection (common parts, overlapping area) of two simple shapes.
Public methodMakePaths
Converts the outline and the holes of this shape into Path objects.
Public methodProject
The 2d-simple shape is assumed to reside in plane "fromPlane". It will be projected perpendicular onto the plane "toPlane". If the planes are perpendicular, the result will be am empty shape.
Public methodShrink
Shrinks this simple shape by the given amount. note that the result is a CompoundShape which is composed of multiple simple shapes.
Public methodSplit
Returns a CompoundShape consisting of several SimpleShapes that touch each other. This SimpleShape is cut along the open Border ToSplitWith into several subshapes.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract
Returns the subtraction of Part1 minus Part2, i.e. all parts that belont to Part1 but not to Part2.
Public methodStatic memberUnite
Returns the union of two simple shapes.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also