CADability dotNET
Namespace for a 2d topology.


Public classBorder
A simple border composed of one ore more ICurve2D objects. A Border is always invariant, i.e. you annot change it (like System.String). If a border is closed, then it is oriented counterclockwise. A border may be produced by the BorderBuilder object (or by its constructors).
Public classBorderBuilder
Klasse zum Erzeugen von Border Objekten.
Public classBorderBuilderException
Public classBorderException
Public classCompoundShape
A 2d shape composed by multiple SimpleShape objects. All simple shapes are disjoint.
Public classSimpleShape
A simply connected 2d shape. It consists of a Border outline and 0 or more holes. The holes don't overlap (disjunct) and reside totally inside the outline.


Public enumerationBorder..::..Position
Position of a point or boundingrectangle relative to a border. Inside: the point or rectangle is completely inside the border, Outside: the point or rectangle is completely outside the border, OnCurve: the point or rectangle is on the outline of the border.
Public enumerationBorderBuilderException..::..BorderBuilderExceptionType
Public enumerationBorderException..::..BorderExceptionType
Public enumerationSimpleShape..::..Position
Relative position of two shapes