CADability dotNET

The CompoundShape type exposes the following members.


Public methodClip
Public methodClone
Public methodContains
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromConnectedList
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromList(array<ICurve2D>[]()[][], Double)
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromList(GeoObjectList, Double, Plane%)
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromList(GeoObjectList, GeoPoint, Boolean, Boolean, Double, Plane%)
Public methodCreateGraphicsPath
Public methodStatic memberDifference
Public methodExpand
Public methodGetDisplayExtent
Public methodGetExtent
Public methodGetModified
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodHitTest(BoundingRect%)
Public methodHitTest(BoundingRect%, Boolean)
Public methodStatic memberIntersection
Public methodMakeFaces
Returns planar faces, one for each contained SimpleShape.
Public methodMakePaths
Converts the shape to one or more Path objects according to the provided plane.
Public methodPaint
Public methodProject
The 2d-compund shape is assumed to reside in plane "fromPlane". It will be projected perpendicular onto the plane "toPlane". If the planes are perpendicular, the result will be am empty shape
Public methodSet2DRepresentation
Only used to set additional information if this CompoundShape is used as a I2DRepresentation.
Public methodShrink
Public methodSplit
Das im Parameter gegebene Objekt muss eine offene Kurve sein, die dieses CompoundShape Objekt durchschneidet. Das Ergebniss ist ein CompoundShape, was aus mehreren SimpleShapes besteht, die durch das Durchschneiden entstanden sind.
Public methodStatic memberUnion

See Also