CADability dotNET

The Border type exposes the following members.


Public methodBorder(array<GeoPoint2D>[]()[][])
Public methodBorder(ICurve2D)
Public methodBorder(array<ICurve2D>[]()[][])
Constructs a Border from a list of ICurve2D objects. The objects must be in the correct order and must be continous, i.e. EndPoint of ICurve2D[i] must be equal to Startpoint of ICurve2D[i+1]. Equality refers to Precision.IsEqual(). It will be checked automatically, whether the border is closed and if so, it will be oriented counterclockwise.
Public methodBorder(Boolean%, array<ICurve2D>[]()[][])
Protected methodBorder(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Constructor required by deserialization
Public methodBorder(array<ICurve2D>[]()[][], Boolean)
Create a border with the provided segments assumed to be in correct order and orientation. If forceConnected is true, the border will be closed.


Public methodAddToGraphicsPath
Public methodAsPath
Returns this Border as a Path2D object.
Public methodChangeCyclicalStart
Public methodClip
Public methodClone
Public methodDirectionAt
Public methodDistanceAtDirection
Calculates the distance between this Border and the other Border respecting the given direction dir. Or in other words: how far can you move this Border in the direction dir until it touches the other border. The result may be double.MaxValue, which means they will never touch each other or negative, if you would have to move this border in the opposite direction of dir.
Public methodGetIntersectionPoints(Border)
Public methodGetIntersectionPoints(ICurve2D)
Returns a list of all intersectionpoints of this border with the given curve. Some intersectionpoints may be found twice, if the Curve passes through a vertex of this border. The par1 member of the intersectionpoint is the parameter of this border (0.0<=par1<=this.Count) the par2 member is the parameter of the curve (0.0<=par1<=1.0).
Public methodGetMinDistance
Public methodGetModified
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodGetParallel
Yields a set of borders that are parallel to this border with a given distance. Positive distance yields a border to the right side (or outside if closed) of this border, negative to the left side or inside. In some cases there is no soltuion (e.g. an inside parallel border of a closed border must have a distance less than half of the diameter of the border) In other cases there may be a set of solutions, e.g. if the border is not convex.
Public methodGetParameter
Liefert den Parameter des Punktes p auf den Bahnkurven des Borders. Für jede Kurve durchläuft der Parameter Werte von 0.0 (Startpunkt) bis 1.0 (Endpunkt) Das Ergebnis dieser Methode ist dieser Parameter + Index der betreffenden Kurve.
Public methodGetPart
Public methodGetPosition(BoundingRect)
Returns the Border..::..Position of the given Point relative to this Border. If the outline of the border interferes with a square around p (width and height is 2*precision), the result will be OnCurve.
Public methodGetPosition(GeoPoint2D)
Returns the Border..::..Position of the given Point relative to this Border.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCircle
Public methodStatic memberMakeRectangle
Public methodPointAt
Public methodProject
Protected methodRecalc
Protected methodRecalcArea
Public methodSplit
Returns an array of Border objects by breaking this border at the given positions. Parameter must be an ordered list of double values. Each value must be greater 0.0 and less the number of iCurve2D objects in this Border.


Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Concatenates two border objects. Both borders must be open (not closed) and the endpoint of the first border must be equal to the startpoint of the second border (as defined by Precision.IsEqual).


Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also