CADability dotNET

The IAttributeList type exposes the following members.


Public methodAdd
Adds a named attribute to that list
Public methodAttributeChanged
Internal use only.
Public methodClone
Creates a clone of both the list and the items.
Public methodFind
Returns an item with the given name or null.
Public methodInitialize
Initializes this list with default items.
Public methodItem
Returns the item with the given index.
Public methodMayChangeName
Determins, whether a named attribute may change its name. It may not change its name if there is already an attribut with that desired name.
Public methodNameChanged
Notifies the list, that an attribut changed ist name.
Public methodUpdate(Boolean)
When attributes refer to other attributes these should be in the same AttributeListContainer. This method checks this consitency, changes the references where needed and adds new attributes to the corresponding lists when necessery.
Public methodUpdate(IGeoObject)


Public propertyCount
Gets the count of items in the list.
Public propertyCurrent
Returns the current item of that list. May also be null.
Public propertyOwner
Internal use only.

See Also