CADability dotNET

Base class for construct actions.

The ConstructAction..::..CurveInput type exposes the following members.


Public methodConstructAction..::..CurveInput
Creates a Curveinput object.


Protected methodAdjustHighlight (Overrides ConstructAction..::..InputObject..::..AdjustHighlight()()()().)
Public methodGetCurves
Gets the currently selected curves.
Public methodSetCurves
Forces the given curves to be displayed
Public methodSetSelectedCurve
Set the selected curve
Public methodSplitAtMousePosition
Returns two curves (Path), that represent the given curve, splitted at the vertex which is closest to the mouse position. The endpoint of the first curve is the startpoint of the second curve. If the curve is not closed and the startpoint or endpoint is closest to the mouse position, en empty array will be returned.


Public fieldModifiableOnly
true: only curves that may be modified are yielded false: any kind of curves curves are yielded
Public fieldPreferPath
Prefer path objects instead of single curves (when available)


Public propertyDecomposed
true: only decomposed curves are yielded, false: also path objects, that consist of several subcurves are yielded
Public propertyFailCursor
Sets the cursor that will be displayed when no curve is hit
Public propertyForwardMouseInputTo
Mouse input should be forwarded to another input object and only processed by this input, when the other input object is fixed.
Public propertyHitCursor
Sets the cursor that will be displayed when a curve is hit


Public eventCurveSelectionChangedEvent
Provide a method here to react on the user selecting a different curve
Public eventMouseOverCurvesEvent
Provide a method here to react on the user moving the cursor over curves.

See Also