CADability dotNET
Helper class to wrap any changing of this GeoObject. Usually used in this way:
using (new Changing(this,...))
    // ... make the change here ...
This will call FireWillChange(GeoObjectChange) before the GeoObject is changed and FireDidChange(GeoObjectChange) after the GeoObject was changed with the appropriate parameters. Changig takes nested changes into account and raises the events only at the outermost level.

Namespace: CADability.GeoObject
Assembly: CADability (in CADability.dll) Version: 1.1.4254.24737 (1.1.*)


protected class Changing : IDisposable
Visual Basic
Protected Class Changing _
	Implements IDisposable
Visual C++
protected ref class Changing : IDisposable

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also