CADability dotNET

The IShowProperty type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEntryType
Returns the type of the entry, see ShowPropertyEntryType.
Public propertyHelpLink
Returns the help link for the help control.
Public propertyHidden
If an IShowProperty object is hidden, it will not appear in the TreeView of the control center. Most Properties are not hidden by default.
Public propertyInfoText
Returns the text for the tooltip to display when the mouse cursor rests on the label.
Public propertyLabelText
Returns the label text, which is usually displayed on the left side of the control.
Public propertyLabelType
Returns the type of the label, see ShowPropertyLabelFlags.
Public propertyOwnerDrawHeight
Returns the height of this entry if it is ownerdrawn.
Public propertyReadOnly
If an IShowProperty object is read only, its value should be fixed. The subProperties should also be read only.
Public propertySubEntries
Returns the array of subentries to this entry.
Public propertySubEntriesCount
Returns the number of subentries if any or 0 if none.

See Also