CADability dotNET

The IPaintTo3D type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCapabilities
Returns the capabilities of this implementation of the paint interface
Public propertyDelayAll
Depricated, not implemented in any current paint interface
Public propertyDelayText
Depricated, not implemented in any current paint interface
Public propertyDontRecalcTriangulation
Deprecated, currently not used
Public propertyFacesBehindEdgesOffset
Internal use only.
Public propertyPaintEdges
Determins whether curves are included in painting
Public propertyPaintSurfaceEdges
Determins whether edges of faces should also be painted
Public propertyPaintSurfaces
Determins whether surfaces (triangles) are included in painting
Public propertyPixelToWorld
Returns a factor that translates a one pixel distance into world coordinates
Public propertyPrecision
Gets or sets the precision of the display. (used for tesselation or curve approximation)
Public propertySelectColor
Gets or sets the select color
Public propertySelectMode
Gets or sets the flag whether the next objects should be painted in the "select mode"
Public propertyTriangulateText
Will text objects be tesselated
Public propertyUseLineWidth
Should the line width be applied to painting curves

See Also