CADability dotNET

The Shell type exposes the following members.


Public propertyColorDef
Public propertyEdges
Returns all the edges of this Shell. Each egde is unique in the array but may belong to two different faces.
Public propertyFaces
Returns all Faces of this shell. Do not modify the returned array since it is (for better performance) the original array contained in this Shell.
Public propertyIsClosed
Checks whether the shall is closed, i.e. all edges of all faces connect two faces of this shell.
Public propertyLayer (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Layer.)
Public propertyOpenEdges
Public propertyOwnedItems (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..OwnedItems.)
Public propertyPreferredStyle (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PreferredStyle.)
Public propertyVertices

See Also