CADability dotNET

The Line type exposes the following members.


Public propertyColorDef
Public propertyDescription (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Description.)
Public propertyEndDirection
Public propertyEndPoint
Sets or gets the endpoint of the line. Setting the endpoint causes the line to fire the WillChangeEvent and the DidChangeEvent.
Public propertyIsClosed
Public propertyIsSingular
Public propertyLength
Gets or sets the length of the line. Setting the length modifies the endpoint and keeps the startpoint and causes the line to fire the WillChangeEvent and the DidChangeEvent.
Public propertyLengthFixPoint
do not use, used only internaly.
Public propertyLinePattern
Public propertyLineWidth
Public propertyPreferredStyle (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PreferredStyle.)
Public propertyStartDirection
Public propertyStartPoint
Sets or gets the startpoint of the line. Setting the startpoint causes the line to fire the WillChangeEvent and the DidChangeEvent.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also