CADability dotNET

The Ellipse type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCenter
gets or sets the center of this circle or ellipse
Public propertyColorDef
Public propertyCounterClockWise
Public propertyDescription (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Description.)
Public propertyEndDirection
Public propertyEndPoint
Public propertyIsArc
Returns true if it is not a full circle or a full ellipse, i.e. the SweepParameter is not -2*pi and not 2*pi.
Public propertyIsCircle
Returns true if both axis of the ellipse have the same length. It may be a circle or a circular arc.
Public propertyIsClosed
Public propertyIsSingular
Public propertyLength
Public propertyLinePattern
Public propertyLineWidth
Public propertyMajorAxis
Public propertyMajorRadius
Public propertyMinorAxis
Public propertyMinorRadius
Public propertyNormal
Public propertyPlane
Public propertyPreferredStyle (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PreferredStyle.)
Public propertyRadius
Public propertyStartDirection
Public propertyStartParameter
Gets or sets the startparameter of this circular or elliptical arc. The startparameter determins the startpoint of this curve according to the formula: Center + cos(StartParameter)*MajorAxis + sin(StartParameter)*MinorAxis For elliptical arcs the startparameter is not identical to the angle of the startpoint.
Public propertyStartPoint
Public propertySweepParameter
Gets or sets the sweep amount of this arc. A full circle or ellipse must have a sweepparameter of either 2.0*Math.PI or -2.0*Math.PI, The sweep parameter of circular or elliptical arcs are in the range of -2.0*Math.PI < SweepParameter < 2.0*Math.PI. SweepParameter is often used in connection with startParameter

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also