CADability dotNET

The CurveDrive type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCurve
Public propertyEntryType
Overrides EntryType, returns GroupTitle.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..EntryType.)
Public propertyLabelText (Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelText.)
Public propertyLabelType
Overrides LabelType
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelType.)
Public propertyMoveAlong
Public propertyNullPosition
Public propertySubEntries
Overrides SubEntries, returns the subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntries.)
Public propertySubEntriesCount
Overrides SubEntriesCount, returns the number of subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntriesCount.)
Public propertyTangential
Gets or sets the tangential movement property. If true, the orientation of the driven objects will follow the tangent of the curve, if false, the orientation of the driven objects will stay fixed in space.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also