CADability dotNET

Overload List

Public methodGeoPoint(array<GeoPoint>[]()[][])
Constructs a ne GeoPoint at the geometric middle of the provided points
Public methodGeoPoint(GeoPoint2D)
Creates a GeoPoint with the z-coordinate 0.0 and x,y set to p.x,p.y
Public methodGeoPoint(Double, Double)
Constructs a new GeoPoint with given x and y components, z-component will be 0.0
Public methodGeoPoint(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Constructor for ISerializable
Public methodGeoPoint(GeoPoint, GeoPoint)
Constructs a new GeoPoint in the middle between two other GeoPoints
Public methodGeoPoint(GeoPoint2D, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the GeoPoint class
Public methodGeoPoint(Double, Double, Double)
Constructs a new GeoPoint with given x, y and z components.
Public methodGeoPoint(GeoPoint, Double, Double, Double)
Constructs a new GeoPoint as on offset from an existing GeoPoint.

See Also