CADability dotNET

Overload List

Public methodStatic memberCreateFromModel(ICurve, Model, Boolean)
Returns a Path containing the curve BeginWith and other curves from the Model. The curve BeginWith is checked at both ends to find connected objects. The search is stopped when there are nore more connected objects. The curves are clones and are tagged with UserData objects with the name key "CADability.Path.Original" and the original object as the value. If flatten is true, UserData will be lost.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromModel(ICurve, Model, Projection, Boolean)
Returns a Path containing the curve BeginWith and other curves from the projectedModel. The curve BeginWith is checked at both ends to find connected objects. The search is stopped if there are nore more connected objects. The curves are clones and are tagged with UserData objects with the name key "CADability.Path.Original" and the original object as the value. If flatten is true, UserData will be lost.

See Also