CADability dotNET

The SingleDocumentFrame type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddView
Public methodAssureModelView
Public methodClearSymbols
Obsolete, use SymbolMainProperty instead.
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().)
Public methodFocusChanged
Public methodGenerateNewProject
Generates a new project, saves the current project if necessary and sets the new project as the current project.
Public methodGetActivePropertyDisplay
Public methodGetBooleanSetting
Public methodGetColorSetting
Public methodGetDoubleSetting
Public methodGetIntSetting
Public methodGetPropertyDisplay
Public methodGetSetting
Public methodGetStringSetting
Public methodOnSnapCenter
Public methodOnSnapDropPoint
Public methodOnSnapGrid
Public methodOnSnapIntersections
Public methodOnSnapObjectPoint
Public methodOnSnapOrtho
Public methodOnSnapSnapPoint
Public methodOnSnapSurface
Public methodOnSnapTangentPoint
Public methodOpenFile
Public methodReadFile
Public methodRemoveActiveAction
Public methodRemoveView
Public methodRestoreToolbarPosition
Restors the positions of the toolbars. This method adds the toolbars to their continers.
Public methodSaveModifiedProject
Call this method before closing the form that contains this SingleDocumenFrame. If the project has been modified, there will be a prompt to save the modified project.
Public methodSaveToolbarPosition
Saves the position of the given MoveableToolBar objects in the ToolBarDockContainer. The information is stored in the GlobalSettings object. Call this method when the application is closing (e.g. when the form is disposing). To restore the information call RestoreToolbarPosition(array<ToolBarDockContainer>[]()[][], array<MoveableToolBar>[]()[][]).
Public methodSetAction
Implements SetAction(Action).
Public methodSetControlCenterFocus
Public methodSetCurrentMenuId
Public methodSetParentForm
Public methodSetProjectProperties
Refreshes the properties in the treeview
Public methodShowPropertyDisplay
Public methodShutDown
Get rid of a secondary process that might keep some objects alive. You might use this to unload all CADability DLLs
Public methodSplitViews(Boolean, array<IView>[]()[][])
Public methodSplitViews(Int32, Boolean)
Select the number of views to be displayed in this frame.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also