CADability dotNET

The ModOp type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberFit(array<GeoPoint>[]()[][], array<GeoPoint>[]()[][], Boolean)
Constructs a ModOp, that transforms the Src points to the Dst points. The length of Src and Dst must be equal and less than 5. If the length is 1, the resulting ModOp is a translation, if the length is 2, the parameter DoScale decides whether the resulting ModOp is a translation and rotation (DoScale==false) or translation, rotation and scaling (DoScale==true). If the length is 3 or 4, the resulting ModOp is any kind of an affinity, that projects the src points to the dst points.
Public methodStatic memberFit(GeoPoint, array<GeoVector>[]()[][], GeoPoint, array<GeoVector>[]()[][])
Public methodGetInverse
Returns the inverse of this modification.
Public methodStatic memberReflectPlane()()()()
Constructs a ModOp, that performs a reflection about the y/z plane
Public methodStatic memberReflectPlane(Plane)
Constructs a ModOp, that performs a reflection about the given plane
Public methodStatic memberReflectPoint
Constructs a ModOp, that performs a reflection about the given point
Public methodStatic memberRotate(GeoVector, SweepAngle)
Creates a modification that performs a rotation about an axis through the origina
Public methodStatic memberRotate(GeoPoint, GeoVector, GeoVector)
Creates a rotation around the fixpoint that moves the vector from to the vector to.
Public methodStatic memberRotate(GeoPoint, GeoVector, SweepAngle)
Creates a modification that performs a rotation about an axis through the given point
Public methodStatic memberScale(Double)
Creates a modification that performs a scaling about the origin
Public methodStatic memberScale(GeoPoint, Double)
Creates a modification that performs a scaling about a given point
Public methodStatic memberScale(GeoVector, Double)
Creates a modification that performs a scaling in a given direction
Public methodStatic memberScale(Double, Double, Double)
Creates a modification that performs a scaling with different factors in x,y and z direction
Public methodStatic memberScale(GeoPoint, GeoVector, Double)
Creates a modification that performs a scaling in a given direction with a fixpoint
Public methodTo2D
Public methodStatic memberTransform
Constructs a ModOp, that maps the Src coordinate system to the Dst coordinate system
Public methodStatic memberTranslate(GeoVector)
Constructs a ModOp, that performs a translation by the given offset vector
Public methodStatic memberTranslate(Double, Double, Double)
Constructs a ModOp, that performs a translation by the given offsets

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also