CADability dotNET

The Layout type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddPatch(Model, Projection, Border)
Adds a "patch" to the layout. A patch is a a model with a certain projection placed on a section of the layout. The projection includes the placement of the model inside the section and the scaling.
Public methodAddPatch(Model, Projection, Border, LayoutView)
Public methodAddVisibleLayer
Marks the given Layer as visible in the context of this ProjectedModel.
Public methodCenterPatch
Centers the patch with the given index according to the horizontal and vertical center mode. If scale is 0.0 the current scaling remains unchanged.
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().)
Public methodGetPatch
Returns the data that describe the patch with the given index.
Public methodIsLayerVisible
Determins whether the given Layer is marked visible in the context of this ProjectedModel.
Public methodMovePatch
Places the patch on the paper leaving the scalinfactor unchanged. The parameters specify the position of the model origin on the paper.
Public methodRemovePatch
Removes the patch with the given index
Public methodRemoveVisibleLayer
Marks the given Layer as invisible in the context of this ProjectedModel.
Public methodSetPatch
Changes the data of the patch with the given index.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also