CADability dotNET
Gets an attribut from the GeoObject. There are the following types (keys) of attributes predefined in CADability, which can be set with this method: "Layer": sets a Layer "ColorDef": sets a ColorDef "LineWidth": sets a LineWidth "LinePattern": sets a LinePattern "HatchStyle": sets a HatchStyle "DimensionStyle": sets a DimensionStyle "Style": sets a Style Other attributes may be provided by the user.

Namespace: CADability.GeoObject
Assembly: CADability (in CADability.dll) Version: 1.1.4254.24737 (1.1.*)


INamedAttribute GetNamedAttribute(
	string key
Visual Basic
Function GetNamedAttribute ( _
	key As String _
) As INamedAttribute
Visual C++
INamedAttribute^ GetNamedAttribute(
	String^ key


Type: System..::..String
key or typename of the required attribute

Return Value

the attribute or null, if there is no such attribute

See Also