CADability dotNET
Checks whether the provided 2d point in the parameter space of the surface is inside the bounds of this face. If the surface is periodic then it will also be checked whether the point with its periodic offset is contained in the face. In this case, the 2d coordinates of the point are updated to reflect the correct period in which it is inside the face

Namespace: CADability.GeoObject
Assembly: CADability (in CADability.dll) Version: 1.1.4254.24737 (1.1.*)


public bool Contains(
	ref GeoPoint2D p,
	bool acceptOnCurve
Visual Basic
Public Function Contains ( _
	ByRef p As GeoPoint2D, _
	acceptOnCurve As Boolean _
) As Boolean
Visual C++
bool Contains(
	GeoPoint2D% p, 
	bool acceptOnCurve


Type: CADability..::..GeoPoint2D%
The point to check
Type: System..::..Boolean
Also accept points on the outline

Return Value

true if the point is inside the face

See Also