CADability dotNET

The Model type exposes the following members.


Public eventAddingGeoObjectEvent
This event will be fired before an object is added to this model. The event handler can prevent the object beeing added to the model
Public eventAddingGeoObjectsEvent
This event will be fired before multiple objects are beeing added. There is no sense in modifying the provided array of objects. There will be an additional call to AddingGeoObjectEvent and GeoObjectAddedEvent for each objects (where you can prevent the object beeing added) and a final call to GeoObjectsAddedEvent.
Public eventCalculateExtentForZoomTotalEvent
Public eventExtentChangedEvent
This event will be fired when objects have been added, removed or modified which resulted in a different extent (of the bounding box) of the model.
Public eventGeoObjectAddedEvent
This event will be fired when an object is added to this model.
Public eventGeoObjectDidChangeEvent
This event will be fired when an object contained in this model did change.
Public eventGeoObjectRemovedEvent
This event will be fired when an object is removed from this model.
Public eventGeoObjectsAddedEvent
This event will be fired after multiple GeoObjects have been added, AddingGeoObjectsEvent has been fired before.
Public eventGeoObjectWillChangeEvent
This event will be fired when an object contained in this model is about to change.
Public eventImportingObjectsEvent
This event will be fired when objects imported from another file are added to the model. The event handler can modify the list of objects, e.g. add or remove objects or combine the objects to a Block.
Public eventNameChangedEvent
This event will be fired when the name of the model changed.

See Also