CADability dotNET

The UserData type exposes the following members.


Public methodUserData()()()()
Protected methodUserData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Constructor required by deserialization


Public methodAdd(UserData)
Add all entries given in the parameter to this UserData
Public methodAdd(String, Object)
Adds or replaces the named entry of the Userdata
Public methodClear
Public methodClone
Returns a clone of the UserData object. The containe dictionary of string-object pairs is cloned so the result is independant from this object. The values are also cloned if they implement the ICloneable interface. If the value of an entry implements IManageUserData, Clone()()()() will be called.
Public methodContains
Public methodContainsData
Checks whether an entry with the provided name exists.
Public methodGetData
Returns the entry with the provided name. The result may be null if the entry doesn't exist. The result must be casted to the required type.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodRemove
Public methodRemoveUserData
Removes the entry with the provided name


Public propertyAllItems
Gets an array of the names of all entries
Public propertyCount
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Public propertyItem
Indexer to read or write values to a given name
Public propertyKeys
Public propertyValues


Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also