CADability dotNET

The SweepAngle type exposes the following members.


Public methodSweepAngle(Double, Double)
Constructs the sweep angle with tan(sweep angle)==dy/dx
Public methodSweepAngle(GeoPoint2D, GeoPoint2D)
Constructs the sweep angle as the angle of the vector from Center to Target
Public methodSweepAngle(GeoVector, GeoVector)
Constructs the sweep angle you need to go from From to To.
Public methodSweepAngle(GeoVector2D, GeoVector2D)
Constructs a sweep angle from the vector From to the vector To.
Public methodSweepAngle(Angle, Angle, Boolean)
Constructs the sweep angle you need to go from From to To in the direction defined by CounterClockwise


Public methodStatic memberDeg
Returns a SweepAngle that rotates by the given degrees
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodIsCloseTo
Returns true, if the sweep angles differ by less than 1e-12 (in radian)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of this sweep angle in degrees
(Overrides ValueType..::..ToString()()()().)


Public operatorStatic memberImplicitWideningImplicitImplicitImplicit(Double to SweepAngle)
Cast Operator, der ein double in einen Winkel umwandelt. Es wird das modulo 2*pi berechnet
Public operatorStatic memberImplicitWideningImplicitImplicitImplicit(Angle to SweepAngle)
Casts an angle to a sweep angle with the same value
Public operatorStatic memberImplicitWideningImplicitImplicitImplicit(SweepAngle to Double)
Cast Operator, der einen Winkel in ein double umwandelt. Ergebnis ist das Bogenmaß des Winkels. Es werden keine Berechnungen vorgenommen
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply
Returns the multiple of the sweep angle
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
Returns the reverse of the provided sweep angle


Public fieldStatic memberFull
The sweep angle that turns 360° counterclockwise
Public fieldStatic memberFullReverse
The sweep angle that turns 360° clockwise
Public fieldStatic memberOpposite
The sweep angle that turns to the opposite directio
Public fieldStatic memberToLeft
The sweep angle that turns 90° to the left
Public fieldStatic memberToRight
The sweep angle that turns 90° to the right


Public propertyDegree
Public propertyRadian

See Also