CADability dotNET

The Projection type exposes the following members.


Public methodProjection(CoordSys)
Creates a new parallel projection to the provided coordinate system
Public methodProjection(Projection)
Creates a clone of the provided projection
Public methodProjection(Projection..::..StandardProjection)
Creates a new standard projection according to Projection..::..StandardProjection
Protected methodProjection(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Constructor required by deserialization
Public methodProjection(GeoVector, GeoVector)
Creates a new parallel projection with the provided direction and the direction of the vector that should become the vertical direction.


Public methodBoundingRectWorld2d
Returns a BoundingRect in the 2d world coordinate system according to the provided view positions. The view coordinate system is the windows forms system. The 2d world coordinate system is for the parallel projection a plane perpendicular to the projection direction scaled the same way as the model. For the perspective projection it is the back plane of the displayed frustum of pyramid.
Public methodClone
Returns a clone of this projection
Public methodDeviceRect
Public methodDrawingPlanePoint(Point)
Returns the point in the worldcoordinate system corresponding to the (mouse-) position p and the drawingplane
Public methodDrawingPlanePoint(GeoPoint2D)
Liefert den Raumpunkt (Welt3D) zum Welt2D Punkt gemäß Zeichenebene (DrawingPlane)
Public methodGetExtent
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodGetOpenGLProjection
Public methodGetPickSpace(Rectangle)
Returns a PickArea, viewRect is in window coordinates
Public methodGetPickSpace(RectangleF)
Returns a PickArea, viewRect is in window coordinates
Public methodGetPickSpace(BoundingRect)
Returns a PickArea, rectWorld2D is in 2-d world coordinates
Public methodGetPlacement()()()()
Public methodGetPlacement(Double%, Double%, Double%)
Liefert die Werte für die Platzierung. Achtung: die Y-Werte müssen mit dem negativen Faktor multipliziert werden, denn die Platzierung dreht die y-achse um!
Public methodMovePlacement
Public methodPlanePoint
Gets the position of a given point (usually a mouse position in view coordinates) in a given plane.
Public methodPointBeam
Returns a beam corresponding to the 2-dimensional mouse position. The mouse position corresponds to a beam in the model which is seen as a point from the viewpoint. The result is in world coordinates of the model. Works for both parallel and perspective projection.
Public methodPointWorld2D
Public methodPrependModOp
Public methodProject
Public methodProject2D
Public methodProjectF
Berechnet die Projektion des gegebenen Punktes ins Zweidimensionale mit Berücksichtigung der Skalierung und Platzierung im Zweidimensionalen, also in das zweidimensionale Papierkoordinatensystem und nicht in das Weltkoordinatensystem.
Public methodProjectUnscaled(GeoPoint)
Berechnet die Projektion des gegebenen Punktes ins Zweidimensionale ohne Berücksichtigung der Skalierung und Platzierung im Zweidimensionalen, also in das zweidimensionale Weltkoordinatensystem und nicht in das Papierkoordinatensystem.
Public methodProjectUnscaled(GeoVector)
Public methodSetDirection
Sets the view direction and the vertical direction of this projection.
Public methodSetPerspective(GeoPoint, GeoVector, Rectangle, BoundingCube)
Public methodSetPerspective(GeoPoint, GeoVector, Rectangle, BoundingCube, GeoPoint)
Public methodSetPlacement(Rectangle, BoundingRect)
Stellt die Platzierung im Zweidimensionalen ein: Das Quellrechteck soll in das Zielrechteck passen.
Public methodSetPlacement(RectangleF, BoundingRect)
Public methodSetPlacement(Double, Double, Double)
Public methodSetUnscaledProjection
Public methodUnProjectUnscaled(GeoPoint2D)
Public methodUnProjectUnscaled(GeoVector2D)
Public methodWindowToWorld
Returns the provided point in the world coordinate system
Public methodWorld2DToWindow(BoundingRect)
Public methodWorld2DToWindow(GeoPoint2D)
Public methodWorldToWindow
Returns the window position of a point in the world coordiate system. Point (0,0) is the top left point of the window


Public fieldLayoutFactor
Some Attributes refer to paper bound dimensions: e.g. the linewidth or textsize may be specified in mm on the paper. So we need the posibility to transform linear dimensions from layout to world. This is doune by the LayoutFactor;
Public fieldLineWidthFactor
A factor for the display line width
Public fieldUseLineWidth
Flag indicating the use of line width


Public propertyDeviceToWorldFactor
Public propertyDirection
Public propertyDrawingPlane
Public propertyStatic memberFromTop
Public propertyGrid
Public propertyInverseProjection
Public propertyIsPerspective
Returns true if this projection is a perspective projection in contrast to a parallel projection
Public propertyPerspectiveProjection
Public propertyPlacementFactor
Public propertyPrecision
Public propertyProjectionPlane
Public propertyShowDrawingPlane
Display hint, whether to show the drawing plane
Public propertyUnscaledProjection
Public propertyWorldToDeviceFactor


Public eventProjectionChangedEvent
Event beeing issued when the projection changes

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also