CADability dotNET

The Precision type exposes the following members.


Public methodPrecision
Initializes a new instance of the Precision class


Public methodStatic memberIsDirectionInPlane
Determins, whether the given vector is in the given plane
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(Angle, Angle)
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(GeoPoint, GeoPoint)
Determins, whether the given points are almost identical, i.e. the distance of the points is less than eps.
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(GeoPoint, array<GeoPoint>[]()[][])
Returns true if the distance of each point from p to c is less than eps.
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(GeoPoint2D, GeoPoint2D)
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(GeoPoint2D, array<GeoPoint2D>[]()[][])
Returns true if the distance of each point from p to c is less than eps.
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(GeoVector, GeoVector)
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(GeoVector2D, GeoVector2D)
Public methodStatic memberIsEqual(Plane, Plane)
Determins, whether the two planes are almost identical, i.e. the angular difference is less than epsa and the distance of then location of p2 to the plane p1 is less than eps. The DirectionX, DirectionY and Location properties of the two planes may be completely different, the two coordinate systems of the planes may be different.
Public methodStatic memberIsNormedVector
Public methodStatic memberIsNull(Double)
Public methodStatic memberIsNull(Angle)
Public methodStatic memberIsNull(SweepAngle)
Public methodStatic memberIsNullVector(GeoVector)
Determins, whether the length of the given vector is almost 0, i.e. the length is less than eps
Public methodStatic memberIsNullVector(GeoVector2D)
Public methodStatic memberIsPerpendicular(GeoVector, GeoVector, Boolean)
Public methodStatic memberIsPerpendicular(GeoVector2D, GeoVector2D, Boolean)
Public methodStatic memberIsPointOnLine(GeoPoint, GeoPoint, GeoPoint)
Public methodStatic memberIsPointOnLine(GeoPoint2D, GeoPoint2D, GeoPoint2D)
Public methodStatic memberIsPointOnPlane
Determins, whether the 3D point is on the plane. This is true when either the distance of the point to the plane is less than eps, or the elevation of the vector from the location of the plane to the point is less than epsa
Public methodStatic memberOppositeDirection(GeoVector, GeoVector)
Public methodStatic memberOppositeDirection(GeoVector2D, GeoVector2D)
Public methodStatic memberSameDirection(GeoVector, GeoVector, Boolean)
Determins, whether the directions of the given vectors are almost identical, i.e. the angular difference is less than epsa. This is alos true for opposite directions.
Public methodStatic memberSameDirection(GeoVector2D, GeoVector2D, Boolean)
Determins, whether the directions of the given vectors are almost identical, i.e. the angular difference is less than epsa.
Public methodStatic memberSameNotOppositeDirection(GeoVector, GeoVector)
Public methodStatic memberSameNotOppositeDirection(GeoVector2D, GeoVector2D, Boolean)
Public methodStatic memberSetFromModel


Public fieldStatic membereps
The maximum distance for which two points are considered geometrically equal.
Public fieldStatic memberepsa
The maximum difference in radians for two angles to be considered geometrically equal.

See Also