CADability dotNET

The ModelView type exposes the following members.



Public methodAdded (Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..Added(IPropertyTreeView).)
Public methodConnect
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().)
Public methodForceInvalidateAll
Public methodGetContentsAsBitmap
Public methodGetContextMenu
Overrides GetContextMenu()()()(), returns the context menu with the id "MenuId.ModelView". (see LoadContextMenu(String, ICommandHandler))
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..GetContextMenu()()()().)
Public methodGetVisibleBoundingRect
Public methodGetVisibleLayers
Public methodInvalidate
Public methodIsLayerVisible
Public methodLabelChanged (Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelChanged(String).)
Public methodRecalc
Public methodRecalcScrollPosition
Public methodRefreshBackground
Public methodRemoved (Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..Removed(IPropertyTreeView).)
Public methodSetDisplayPrecision
Sets the precision for the display of non linear entities (e.g. arcs). Choose a small value for high precision.
Public methodSetLayerVisibility
Public methodSetProjection
Set the direction of the view, the center and the scaling factor
Public methodSetViewDirection
Public methodSetViewPosition
Public methodZoomToModelExtent
DEPRECATED, use ZoomTotal(Double) instead.
Public methodZoomToRect
Public methodZoomTotal(Double)
Zoom to the extent of the displayed model. Use 1.1 as a factor to leave some small amound of border area blank. Use 1.0 to exactely fit into the window
Public methodZoomTotal(Rectangle, Double)
DEPRECATED, use ZoomTotal(Double) instead.


Public propertyAllowContextMenu
Gets or sets a flag which controls the context menu when a right mouse click in this view happens.
Public propertyAllowDrag
Gets or sets a flag which controls the dragging from this view, whether this view may be a source to DragAndDrop.
Public propertyAllowDrop
Gets or sets a flag which controls whether a dragged object may be dropped on this view.
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Public propertyDisplayRectangle
Public propertyDistance
Public propertyEntryType
Overrides EntryType, returns GroupTitle.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..EntryType.)
Public propertyFixPoint
Public propertyFixPointValid
Public propertyLabelText (Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelText.)
Public propertyLabelType
Overrides LabelType
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..LabelType.)
Public propertyLineWidthMode
Public propertyModel
Public propertyName
Public propertyProjectedModel
Public propertyProjection
Public propertySubEntries
Overrides SubEntries, returns the subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntries.)
Public propertySubEntriesCount
Overrides SubEntriesCount, returns the number of subentries in this property view.
(Overrides IShowPropertyImpl..::..SubEntriesCount.)
Public propertySupressAutoRegeneration
Public propertyZAxisUp


Public eventDisplayChangedEvent
Public eventMouseDoubleClick
Provide an event handler for the mouse double click message here if you want to manipulate the mouse input to this ModelView
Public eventMouseDown
Provide an event handler for the mouse down message here if you want to manipulate the mouse input to this ModelView
Public eventMouseMove
Provide an event handler for the mouse move message here if you want to manipulate the mouse input to this ModelView
Public eventMouseUp
Provide an event handler for the mouse up message here if you want to manipulate the mouse input to this ModelView
Public eventMouseWheel
Provide an event handler for the mouse wheel message here if you want to manipulate the mouse input to this ModelView
Public eventPaintBackgroundEvent
Public eventPrePaintBackground
Event to modify backgroung painting
Public eventProjectionChangedEvent
Event for notification of view position and direction changes
Public eventScrollPositionChangedEvent

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also