CADability dotNET

The GeoVector type exposes the following members.


Public methodGeoVector(GeoVector2D)
Constructs a new GeoVector from a 2d vector assumed in the xy plane
Public methodGeoVector(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Constructor required by deserialization
Public methodGeoVector(Angle, Angle)
Constructs a new GeoVector with the given angles a longitude and latitude. The resulting GeoVector is normed.
Public methodGeoVector(GeoPoint, GeoPoint)
Constructs a new GeoVector which points from the StartPoint to the EndPoint.
Public methodGeoVector(Double, Double, Double)
Constructs a new GeoVector with the given components


Public methodStatic memberBisector
Returns the bisector vector of the two provided vectors. The result will be normalized (length = 1)
Public methodStatic memberCos
Returns the cosine of the angle between the two vectors. Throws an arithmetic exception if any of the vectors is the nullvector.
Public methodEquals
Overrides object.Equals.
(Overrides ValueType..::..Equals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides object.GetHashCode
(Overrides ValueType..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodIsNullVector
Returns true, if this vector is exactly the nullvector. Use IsNullVector(GeoVector) if you need more control over precision.
Public methodIsPerpendicular
Determins whether this vector and the othe vector are perpendicular. Use IsPerpendicular(GeoVector, GeoVector, Boolean) if you need more control over precision.
Public methodNorm
Normalizes this vector. After this operation the vector will have the Length 1.0 Throws a GeoVectorException if the vector is the nullvector.
Public methodNormIfNotNull
Public methodReverse
Reverses this vector.
Public methodTo2D
Returns the coresponding 2d vector by omitting the z coordinate
Public methodToString (Overrides ValueType..::..ToString()()()().)


Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Adds the two vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision
Divides the given gevcor by the given double value.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Determins whether the given vectors are exactly equal. Use SameDirection(GeoVector, GeoVector, Boolean) if you need more control over precision.
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr
Cross product of the to vectors.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Determins whether the given vectors are not exactly equal. Use SameDirection(GeoVector, GeoVector, Boolean) if you need more control over precision.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Double, GeoVector)
Scales the given vector by the given double
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(GeoVector, GeoVector)
Calculates the scalar product (dot product, inner product) of the two given vectors
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Matrix, GeoVector)
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction
Subtracts the second vector from the first vector
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
Reverses the driection of the given vector


Public fieldStatic memberNullVector
The nullvector, same as new GeoVector(0.0,0.0,0.0);
Public fieldx
Public fieldStatic memberXAxis
The x-axis, same as new GeoVector(1.0,0.0,0.0);
Public fieldy
Public fieldStatic memberYAxis
The y-axis, same as new GeoVector(0.0,1.0,0.0);
Public fieldz
Public fieldStatic memberZAxis
The z-axis, same as new GeoVector(0.0,0.0,1.0);


Public propertyLength
Returns the length of this vector.
Public propertyNormalized
Public propertyTaxicabLength

See Also