CADability dotNET

The Solid type exposes the following members.



Public methodClone
Overrides Clone()()()()
(Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Clone()()()().)
Public methodStatic memberConstruct
Public methodCopyGeometry (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..CopyGeometry(IGeoObject).)
Public methodDecompose (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Decompose()()()().)
Public methodFindSnapPoint (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..FindSnapPoint(SnapPointFinder).)
Public methodGet2DRepresentation (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Get2DRepresentation(Projection, GDIResources).)
Public methodGetBoundingCube (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..GetBoundingCube()()()().)
Public methodGetExtent(Double) (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..GetExtent(Double).)
Public methodGetExtent(Projection, ExtentPrecision) (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..GetExtent(Projection, ExtentPrecision).)
Public methodGetPlaneIntersection
Returns the curves that result from a planar intersection of this shell with the provided plane. The curves are properly clipped.
Public methodGetQuadTreeItem (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..GetQuadTreeItem(Projection, ExtentPrecision).)
Public methodGetShowProperties (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..GetShowProperties(IFrame).)
Public methodHitTest(BoundingCube%, Double) (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..HitTest(BoundingCube%, Double).)
Public methodHitTest(Projection..::..PickArea, Boolean) (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..HitTest(Projection..::..PickArea, Boolean).)
Public methodHitTest(Projection, BoundingRect, Boolean) (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..HitTest(Projection, BoundingRect, Boolean).)
Public methodStatic memberIntersect
Returns the intersection of two solids, i.e. those parts that are common to both solids. If the solids are disjunct, an empty array is returned. There may be more than one solid body as a restult.
Public methodModify
Overrides Modify(ModOp)
(Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Modify(ModOp).)
Public methodPaintTo3D (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PaintTo3D(IPaintTo3D).)
Public methodPaintTo3DList (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PaintTo3DList(IPaintTo3D, ICategorizedDislayLists).)
Public methodPosition (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Position(GeoPoint, GeoVector, Double).)
Public methodPrepareDisplayList (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PrepareDisplayList(Double).)
Public methodSetShell
Public methodStatic memberSubtract
Returns the difference of two solids. The second solid is removed from the first solid. If the solids are disjunct, (a clone of the) the first solid is returned. If the second solid contains the first solid, an empty array is returned.
Public methodStatic memberUnite
Unites the two solids and returns the union. If the solids are disjunct, null is returned.



Public propertyColorDef
Public propertyDescription (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Description.)
Public propertyEdges
Returns all the edges of this Shell. Each egde is unique in the array but may belong to two different faces.
Public propertyLayer (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..Layer.)
Public propertyName
The name of the solid.
Public propertyOwnedItems (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..OwnedItems.)
Public propertyPreferredStyle (Overrides IGeoObjectImpl..::..PreferredStyle.)
Public propertyShells
Returns a list of all shells that bound this solid. In most cases there is only a single shell. If there is more than one shell the shell with index 0 is the outer hull and all subsequent shells describe cavyties that reside totally inside the outer hull.
Public propertyVolume
Returns the volume (capacity) of this solid.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also