CADability dotNET

Installation and Licensing

What is being installed with CADability?

The installation process of CADability is straightforward: All DLLs and EXE files are installed into the provided directory, which defaults to C:\Program Files\SOFA\CADability. Other files are installed in subdirectories of this location. Only the C++ standard runtime libraries (msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll) are installed into the windows\system32 directory, if not already there. Additionally the environment variable "Path" is extended with this location, so that all DLLs are found when you run a program using CADability. The approach of modifing the Path variable was choosen so that you may run your program from any directory.

How to redistibute CADability?

You will have to install all the DLLs you find in the CADability directory, which defaults to C:\Program Files\SOFA\CADability. Either you install them into the directory in which you install your application or you have to take care that the DLLs can be loaded during runtime of your application. There a differnt ways to achieve this, like setting the path environment variable or setting the current directory of your application in the registry. You can only install the .net assemblies into the GAC, the leagacy DLLs must be installed somewhere else.

If you have a license file (CADability.DisplayLicense.exe) you will have to put it into the directory of your application. If you have multiple applications you will have to put it into each directory.

How does the Licensing work?

There is a license file (CADability.DisplayLicense.exe) which displays the license statement when you start it. When the CADability dll is loaded, this exe get also started (but in a silent mode, invisible to the user) to gather the license information. If there is no such file or if the license file states that this is a demo version of CADability, then the demo message is displayed. There are no restrictions in the functionality of CADability in the demo version except for this message box.

If you have purchased a developer license, you may not forward the license file to a customer or user of your program.

If you have a license per item agreement, you will need a different license file for each installation of your program. If you have a unlimited runtime license you will use the same license file for all installations. For prices and more details see here